Choosing The Best OTF Knives

The popular pocket knife is exceptionally expanding from a simple utility blade to advanced Damascus steel. One common category of these knives include OTF knives. These are quick and user-friendly tools that can be used for a variety of purposes. With many options available, it can be overwhelming for you to choose the right one. However, considering the important features of the best OTF knives, you are sure to make an informed choice.


When it comes to deployment mechanisms, there are two primary options to choose from. The first is a double-action mechanism in which both slider and button deploy the blade and retract it. Remember not every OTF knife is double-action. The other category only allows you to deploy the blade and is manually required to close it. Make sure to consider the deployment mechanisms. While some blades have the deployment mechanism on their front while others come with the side of the handle.

Edge Type

It’s important to keep an eye on the knife edges. When deciding on the blade you want to choose, consider whether the knife comes with a single or double edge. Single-edged OTFs are more suitable for everyday utility. On the other hand, double-edge knives make a better option for slashing and penetration purposes. They are an excellent choice for personal protection. They may be referred to as combat knives.


Price is one of the key factors when making a purchase. Since the internal mechanism of an OTF is complicated, make sure to choose a knife with solid construction and smooth functionality. They are comparatively expensive but the price is worth it. Investing in a quality knife means it can serve you for many years. Looking for some of the best options available? You may want to give a read to OTF Automatic Knife Must-Haves for Pros.

What about Legality?

Since OTF knives are considered the automatic switchblade, the laws associated with their usage are comparatively strict. In certain places, you may be permitted to carry a manual folding blade but not the OTF knife. Users need to be well-informed and careful before using their knives. Make sure to go through the State and regional laws. In case of violations, you will need to deal with a heavy penalty. Follow the rules & regulations and use your knife safely and in the best possible manner.
