Knuckle Duster – Explained


A knuckle duster (also known as a knuck, knucks, brass knuckles, or knuckle dusters) is a small, hand-held weapon that is designed to fit over the knuckles. The typical knuckle duster consists of a series of metal plates that are connected together by a central rivet. The plates are usually made from brass, steel, or aluminum. Knuckle dusters can also be made from other materials such as plastic or wood.
When worn, the knuckle duster extends the length of the fingers and the hand and can increase the force of a punch. Knuckle dusters can be used as a tool for self-defense or as a weapon in street fights. They are also sometimes used by criminals to intimidate or injure their victims.
Knuckle dusters have been used for centuries, and their exact origins are unknown. However, they are believed to have originated in ancient Greece or Rome. Knuckle dusters were also used in (READ MORE)
